Hello, lovely people! I do hope you are extremely well. I’ve noticed that there’s to be a bit of confusion around certain marketing terms (surprise, surprise). A potential client recently asked me if I could create a customer persona for them. I replied that I would be delighted to and that indeed one of my core services is helping my clients to identify their ideal client. They asked whether that was the same thing. Which I replied that they are. That conversation got me thinking (uh oh) about the different words that are used to describe customers profiles and I thought it would be helpful to clarify the difference, if any between certain terms.
Different words that mean the same:
- Ideal client
- Customer avatar
- Buyer persona
- Customer persona
- Ideal client persona/ profile
- Any combination of the words above
You may notice that I didn’t included the term ‘dream client’ in the list above. This is because, I believe there is a slight difference. Ideal client is context specific. That is who would I love to work with given the business I currently do. Whereas when thinking of dream clients you’re not restricted by current context. For example, a friend of mine works with small business owners to help them develop resilience. Who is his dream client? Someone like Usain Bolt! Why? Well, for her it’s because she’s passionate about sports and believes that learning how to be more resilient is key to becoming an athlete.
I hope the article above provides you with clarity on the different terms. I will continuing with this theme in my next article too. Deciphering marketing jargon into simple, practical and actionable steps that can be of actual use to you in your business.